ForLEx Mount Manager 2.1
Hi all,
first of all thank you for your support and for your downloads. After a little debug I’ve added a new functionality to this tool. It’s a ATA over Ethernet connection. Yes, thank to it we can mount a remote hard drive (or blocks device) or a dd file or virtual drive (ooohh!) and we can use it as a local blocks device, so, we will be able to format and to write our partition’s table as we need.
Obviously we can use on the contrary acquiring the device by network (I’m working on a tool for facilitating this 😉 )
Remember that Forlex Mount Manager does not permit to mount and to unlock by default a device and any related partition!
Therefore we need to list, unlock (RW) and … work on .. e.g. if you create a partition after this, REMEMBER to unlock the new partition!!!