ForLEx 2.0.0 (Armando) Released !!!
YES! After a lot of hours spent on this project finally I can say … RELEASED!
Infact after a deep study on the different tools and how they can be usefull and in which way we (forensics people) can use them. I released this new version of my old forensic oriented distro. The most important part is the WRITE BLOCK EVERY TYPE of storage and the ability to BLOCK DIRECTLY IN READ ONLY any attachable storage. In this case we are sure that all our operation can’t damage accidentally our work. This is very important because, if under stress, we can change the end of our game thank only to a wrong click !
Another “nice” feature is the multi-kernel for differet platform we have 486 – 686 and AMD64 so we have covered a lot of …
For helping to avoid these problems I’ve developed, also, ForLEx Mount Manager (release 2.0) that is the unique interface to the mount and ro/rw operations.
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The tools inserted into this version (v.2.0.0 Armando) are :
Ldeg | Linux Disk Editor like Norton Disk Editor | home page |
Hexedit | File Viewer in Hex or ASCII | home page |
nano | Text editor | home page |
vim | Multipurpose editor | home page |
Geany | Multipurpose editor | home page |
shed | Hex editor | home page |
System tools
dmraid | Manage raid disks | home page |
dds2tar | Use dds features with tar | home page |
tpconfig | Manage touchpad | home page |
File tools
unzoo | Extractor for zoo files | home page |
zip | Make zip archives | home page |
lzma | 7-zip format | home page |
lzop | Compress with lzop | home page |
unrar | Open rar files | home page |
unzip | Open zip files | home page |
xfe | Fast powerfull file manager X Window. | home page |
Endeavour II | File manager | home page |
txt2regex | wizard for regular expressions | home page |
dd_rescue | version error_tollerant of dd | home page |
cabextract | Cab extractor | home page |
uudeview | Utility for send file using e-mail o news-group | home page |
tofrodos | Convert text file | home page |
File System tools
macutils | tool for manage mac’s filesystem | home page |
dosfstools | ms-dos fat file system filemaager | home page |
genisoimage | tool to make image for burning | home page |
mtools | collezionedi utility per manipolare file system msdos | home page |
ntfsprogs | manipola file system ntfs | home page |
wodim | command line cd/dvd writing tool | home page |
gpart | Tool for finding lost partitions | home page |
gparted | Gnome partition editor | home page |
hfsplus | Tool to access HFS+ formatted volumes | |
hfsprogs | Manage HFS and HFS+ file systems | home page |
hfsutils | Tools for reading and writing Macintosh volumes | home page |
ntfsprogs | Tool for doing neat things in NTFS partitions | home page |
Network tools
cryptcat | TCP/IP netcat with twofish encryption | home page |
gigolo | Front-end to manage connection on remote filesystems | home page |
httptunnel | tunnel over http protocol | home page |
lftp | powerfull client ftp ftps http https etc. | home page |
mtr | traceroute with X11 gui and ncurses | home page |
ncpfs | tool for Netware Server | home page |
netcat | Swiss army knife of TCP | home page |
nmap | utility for network exploration and security auditing | home page |
open-iscsi | High performance, transport independent iSCSI implementation | home page |
sswrap | wrapper for all protocols TCP based | home page |
smbclient | client for server SMB/CIFS | home page |
wicd | Wired and wireless network manager | home page |
Graphical tools
Abiword | Document editor | home page |
epdfview | Pdf viewer | home page |
xloadimage | Graphical Viewer for X11 | home page |
photoprint | Utility for printing | home page |
Forensic tools
aesfix | Tool for correcting bit errors in an AES key | home page |
aeskeyfind | Tool for finding and repairing AES keys | home page |
afflib-tools | Support for Advanced Forensics Format | home page |
chaosreader | Trace network trafic | home page |
dcraw | utility per convertire il formato raw delle macchine fotografiche digitali in immagini | home page |
ed2k-hash | Tool for generating ed2 link | home page |
ext2grep | Recovery tool | |
Ewf-tool | Expert Withness Format | home page |
LinEn | Linux Encase by Guidance Software | home page |
foremost | Recovery tools | home page |
FtkImager | Tool for acquiring in forensics manner | home page |
galleta | Internet Explorer cokie forensics analysis tool | home page |
grokevt | Tool for reading Microfoft Windows event log files | home page |
guymager | Forensics imaging tool based on Qt | home page |
hdparm | Manage hdparm parameters of the hard disk | home page |
libphash0 | Perceptual hashing library | home page |
md5deep | Recursively compute hashsums | home page |
memdump | Utility to dump memory contents to stdout | home page |
missidentify | A program to find win32 applications | home page |
myrescue | Rescue data from damaged hard disks | home page |
nasty | Tool for recover GPG passphrase | home page |
pipebench | Measures the speed of stdin/stdout | home page |
recoveradm | recover files/disks with damaged sectors | home page |
reglookup | Utility for read and query Windows NT/2000/XP registry | home page |
rifiuti / rifiuti2 | Windos recicle bin analysis tool | home page |
safecopy | Copy utility ignoring errors | home page |
scalpel | Quickly file carver | home page |
sleuthkit | Collection of tools for forensics analysis | home page |
ssdeep | Recursive piecewise hashing tool | home page |
pasco | Analyze Internet Explorer | home page |
podsleuth | forensic on iPod | home page |
scrounge-ntfs | data recovery for ntfs partitions | home page |
tableau-parm | Tableau write-blocking query/command utility | home page |
tct | Collection of forensics related utilities | home page |
unhide | Forensics tool for finding hidden processes and ports | home page |
wipe | wiping | home page |
ForLEx Live-cd v. 2.0.0 is based on the distribution Debian Linux legacy from which the license.
If not otherwise specified, the software on the CD falls under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Similar to other Open Source licenses, this means that you can copy, modify, redistribute and even resell the CD without restrictions, as long as the recipient receives the same license. The source code of the standard packages on the CD are available from their respective original providers (for example on the FTP servers at Debian, RedHat, Mandrake). Individual packages, as specified by the GPL, may fall under another license (for example Netscape). If in doubt, the licenses can be found in the help sections or the DEB-database (dpkg -p package-name) of each software package.
If you need to change the CD distributed here, being released under GPL remember to communicate to the author, through e-mail Indirizzo e-mail protetto dal bots spam , deve abilitare Javascript per vederlo , and properly cite the source.
This product is considered experimental and not complete, its use is at your own risk. The implementer can not be held responsible in any case for damage to hardware or software, loss of data, or other direct or indirect, as well as for damages resulting from use of this software. We recommend, however, test the functionality on non-critical devices while avoiding the use of which those not know, with certainty, the result of operations carried out. In some countries the cryptographic software and other components present on the CD are governed by regulations on export or even from software patents, which may prohibit the distribution or download. The lessee is liable for its compliance with all applicable laws. If you plan to use commercially or distribute (and sell) this CD and the software included in it, you have to acquire the necessary licenses and permissions from all holders of its copyrights, or remove these components before the start distribution.
ForLEx Live-cd v. 2.0.0 è basato sulla distribuzione Debian da cui eredita la licenza.
Se non altrimenti specificato tutto il software presente nel CD è rilasciato sotto GNU General Public License. Similmente ad altre licenze Open Source, significa che è possibile copiare, modificare, ridistribuire ed eventualmente rivendere il CD senza restrizioni. L’utilizzatore o l’acquirente avrà la stessa licenza. Il codice sorgente dei software standard installati su CD sono disponibili presso i rispettivi ed originali distributori (ad esempio dal server FTP di Debian, RedHat, Mandrake). Pacchetti d’installazione individuali, come espresso dalla G.P.L., potrebbero essere rilasciati sotto un altro tipo di licenza (ad esempio Netscape). In caso di dubbio, la relativa licenza di rilascio può essere trovata nella sezione di aiuto del pacchetto o nel DEB-database (dpkg -p package-name) di ogni software.
Qualora fosse necessario modificare il CD qui distribuito, essendo rilasciato sotto GNU G.P.L. si ricorda di comunicarlo all’autore, per mezzo dell’indirizzo e-mail Indirizzo e-mail protetto dal bots spam , deve abilitare Javascript per vederlo , e di citarne correttamente la fonte.
Questo prodotto è da considerarsi sperimentale e non completo, il suo uso è a proprio rischio e pericolo. Il realizzatore è esonerato da ogni responsabilità in caso di danni ad hardware o software, perdita di dati, o altro, diretto o indiretto, oltre che per danni derivanti dall ‘uso di questo software. Si consiglia, comunque, di testarne le funzionalità su dispositivi non critici evitando l’uso su quelli dei quali non si conoscerebbe, con certezza, il risultato delle operazioni eseguite. In alcuni paesi il software crittografico e gli altri componenti presenti sul CD sono disciplinati da regolamenti sulla esportazione o anche da brevetti software, che possono vietarne la distribuzione o il download. L’utilizzatore è responsabile del proprio rispetto di tutte le leggi applicabili. Se si prevede di utilizzare commercialmente o distribuire (e vendere) questo CD ed il software in esso incluso, dovete acquisire le necessarie licenze e le autorizzazioni da tutti i titolari dei relativi diritti d’autore, oppure rimuovere questi componenti prima di iniziarne la distribuzione.